What is PVSYST?

3 Min Read

PVSYST is a package program that is used to analyze solar energy systems and is widely used today. With PVSYST, a new solar power plant can be designed and equipment such as panels and inverters can be selected with the most effective layout.

When considered literally, PV means photovoltaic system. The name “PVsyst” stands for Photovoltaic System. PVSYST is generally used by engineers, researchers, consultants and installation companies.

So what does PVSTYST include? Let’s try to explain these briefly.

[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=”” width=””]PVSYST 8 has been released. Read our article for PVSYST 8 features and differences between 7.

PVsyst 8 Unleashed


PVSYST – Solar Systems Analysis

PVSYST has a large database and the data is constantly updated. There is meteorological data for almost the entire world, and almost all solar panel and all inverter technical information is included in the program.

PVSYST - Main Page
PVSYST – Main Page

PVSYST can analyze in two different modes: Grid-Connected and Standalone. It can also perform pump analysis in field and land irrigation systems. On the main screen, you can review the data in the database and see the measurement data.

PVSYST - Meteorological Data
PVSYST – Meteorological Data

Meteorological data is recorded in the program content, and when you select the location on the map, data specific to that location appears. PVSYST uses Meteonorm as meteorological data.

PV Modules
PV Modules and Inverters

You can enter the information of your solar power plant on the system page. If you want, you can calculate the required number of panels by entering the total area or you can find the required area by entering the number of panels.

PV modules are included in the PVSYST database. If you have a panel that is not registered in the database, you can manually add the information of this panel to the database.

Definition of Jinko JKM580M
Definition of Jinko JKM580M
Grid Inverter Definition of Huawei Sun2000 175 KTL
Grid Inverter Definition of Huawei Sun2000 175 KTL

Above you can see sample data sheets for one solar module and one inverter. Data for thousands of panels like this are available in the program.

PVSYST Tutorial

One of the best advantages of the PVSYST program is that there are many training videos on YouTube. You can learn about its use by watching the videos.

What is the Price of PVSYST?

Pricing for PVSYST is based on an annual subscription system. Discounts are available according to different subscription systems. Currently, the current regular price is $692 per year.

Pvsyst Price is 600 CHF
Pvsyst Price is 600 CHF
Pvsyst discount for education
Pvsyst discount for education
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